Okay, I understand why we have capchas. I have come to accept that they're a reality of a web that has been destroyed by the unethical. But, I would really appreciate it if in our effort to keep up with the 'bots, we didn't make capchas so difficult to read that even large numbers of humans are failing the tests. I have, on multiple occasions, failed, when I thought I had the right answer. I have above average spatial skills, so I know I can't be the only one having problems with these things.
Today, I finally had to say something about it, because I ran into this one:

So, what, exactly
is that second letter? An upside-down L?
Old Comments(2)
Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!
You're a droid! Only humans can read those, didn't you know?
Hi Miss/Mrs Tess,well I'm developing a LOW COST MOTION CAPTURE with a friend, and I'm doing the animation part on DirectX 9.0 SDK. My main problem is the linking of the animation part with the computer vision part :(. My partner gives me the coordinates obtained from the human model, but I'm a little bit confused afterwards!! I have planned to save them in the .X file! Do u think our approach is good?? Any suggestion or tips from our part will be the most welcome. By the way, nice blog, especially the articles on games :D.
Thank you very much,
Yankesh(Yan Joker)
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